Healthy & Happy Life!

HAPPY 2012!!
Another year down and another oportunity to make a fresh start!
My resolution for 2012 is personal Growth! to try and be the best me that I can, not only for my husbands sake but for mine aswell!

Ok so a bit of honestly coming out (please let me know if this happend to you to!)
Sometimes i feel like you do get stuck in a rut....a expression my Mum always uses is your Exsisting not Living.......Sound familiar?

It can be all too easy to get stck in a rut! with work, home, food bed etc etc it can seem like such a routine.
This is not only detrimental for your relationships, but its detrimental to yourself and for your creativity!
One thing personally that ive found has helped me alot its find something that inspires you! It may be something living, a person, a plant ANYTHING. Or in my case a saying or phrase that helps your remember to be inspiring and get out there!
My saying is something i came up with myself (and will soon be my next tattoo) It is..........

"into the unknown" 

to me this is a reminder not to be afraid of the unknown to go out there and try new things and do things you would normally never do, to be adventurose and to Live not Exisit!

So all that sentimental stuff of the way (hahahaha)
This blog post if you havent alreayd figured it out is designed to help you make the most of NOW to better yourself and hopefully inspired you to try new things and get out there and LIVE!

One thing that tend to get people down is.....yes work! however how much we don't like work, it is a necessary part of life (if only we could all have a money tree!). A big part of work and dealing with work ive found comes purely from your attitude towards work. This year im forbidding myself to say "oh i don't want to work!" Because i feel like most other things its your attitude and the way your approach things that determine how you feel about them! So far this year, that has really helped me!
If only it would be more effective with approaching housework lol!

Also i feel that alot of happines comes from yourself if you can be happy with you, how do you expect others to make you happy? So some advice....take some time out....just for you and no one else! Whether is just a bath, or a hour reading a book it does a world of good for yourself!

Another thing that i find very therapeutic is exercise! I find it really helps clear my head and gives me a fantastic rush of endorphins!
I love walking the dogs (with out my iPod) and just relaxing i also find Yoga is amazing to help you de-stress! And once again that come back to being happy with yourself and your body!

BUT for me personally the biggest thing that i find reeks havoc on my mood! Not just any food im talking sugars, fats etc. I find if ive had too much of a good thing (hahahha) in the sense of food my body cant handle all the excess chemicals and i end up getting very cranky and moody (again if this happens to you let me know!). So i feel for a healthy happier me, im going to try and eat as organic as possible.
Notice i didnt say healthy!
I feel if you deprive yourself of everything you will go crazy! So by trying to eat organic (where possible) your cutting out allot of unnecessary chemicals!
And this will help you with any weight issues your having (if any) and in generally you will notice a improvement in your skin, hair and all round well-ness!

This is just a quick video (requested by a amazing subscriber) on my Lifestyle diet etc!

So i hope that is has inspired you or helped you in some way! Please leave a comment below letting me know what you think!

Lots of Love Jade
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